IIT-JEE 2009 Schedule
IIT Joint Entrance Examination (JEE 2009) Schedule
April 12, 2009 (Sunday)
09.00 –12.00 hrs Paper – 1
14.00 - 17.00 hrs Paper - 2
Paper – 1 and Paper – 2 will each have three separate sections on Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. Both the papers will be objective types, designed to test comprehension, reasoning and analytical ability of candidates.
* Eligibility requirements for this examination and syllabus for Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Aptitude Test will be available on the websites of all IITs and will also be given in the Information Brochure of JEE – 2009.
* Candidates will have the option of submitting either on – line through internet) or paper application form- offline.
Important dates regarding Application Form and Brochure:
Sale at designated branches of Banks and at all IITs: Nov 19 - Dec 24 2008
Postal Request of Application form: Nov 19 - Dec 16 2008
Last date of receipt of completed application forms at IITs : Dec 24 2008
Further details on application form will be published in Employment news paper on the 08th of NOV 2008
IIT JEE 2009 Notification will be Updated as soon as it is announced.
For Ready Reference for IIT JEE in 2008 , Here are a few points
Question Papers
There will be two question papers, each of three hours duration. Both the question papers would consist of three separate sections on Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Questions in these papers will be of objective type, which are to be answered on a specially designed machine-gradable sheet (ORS – Optical Response Sheet) using HB pencils only. Incorrect answers will be awarded negative marks.
Language and Font of Question Papers
Candidates can opt for Question Papers either in English or in Hindi. This option should be exercised while filling the application form, and it cannot be changed at any later stage.
Visually impaired candidates will be provided with question papers with 20% enlarged font. However, to avail this facility, candidates should make a request along with the application form.
Calculators and Log Tables
Use of calculators and log tables is NOT permitted in JEE-2008.
Aptitude Test for B.Arch. and B.Des.
Candidates called for counselling and desirous of joining the B.Arch. and B.Des. courses will be required to qualify in an Aptitude Test to be conducted at each counselling institute on June 21, 2008. The test will consist of two papers, each of two hours duration – from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon, and from 2.00 pm to 4:00 pm. Candidates who fail to qualify in the Aptitude Test will not be eligible for admission to either B.Arch. or B.Des. courses. Question papers for aptitude test for B.Arch and B.Des will be in English only.
Only those candidates who attempt both Paper 1 and Paper 2 will be considered for the ranking. Marks in Physics will be equal to marks in Physics section of Paper 1 + marks in Physics section of Paper 2. Similar procedure will be followed for Chemistry and Mathematics. Based on the cut-off marks in the individual subjects as well as the aggregate marks in the Examination, a common merit list will be prepared without any relaxed criteria. In addition, separate merit lists of candidates belonging to the SC, ST, and PD categories will be prepared with different relaxed norms relevant to their categories. While preparing these merit lists, if a candidate belongs to more than one category of relaxed norms, then he/she for the purpose of ranking shall be considered in all the categories in which he/she qualifies. There will be no separate list of wait-listed candidates.
Eligibility Conditions in IIT JEE 2008
A candidate has to satisfy all the eligibility conditions given below :
* A candidate can attempt JEE only twice, in consecutive years.
* Candidates appearing for JEE-2008 should have either passed in 2007 or should be appearing in 2008 in the qualifying examination listed in section 7.1 and should satisfy the eligibility criteria listed in section 7.2.
* Candidates should meet the age requirements given in section 7.4.
* Candidates should not have accepted admission by paying full fees at any of the IITs, IT-BHU, Varanasi and ISMU, Dhanbad, through earlier JEE.
IIT JEE 2008 Syllabus
Aptitude Test
Sale of Application Forms
List of Bank Branches for IIT JEE 2008 Application Forms
How to Apply for IIT Joint Entrance Examination 2008 ?
You can apply offline or online
For More info, Please visit http://jee.iitd.ac.in/ or http://www.jee.iitb.ac.in
Declaration of IIT JEE 2008 Results - May 30, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
IIT-JEE 2009 Schedule
Posted by
5:44 AM
IIT Joint Entrance Examination (JEE 2009) Schedule
IIT-JEE 2009 Schedule
IIT Joint Entrance Examination (JEE 2009) Schedule
April 12, 2009 (Sunday)
09.00 –12.00 hrs Paper – 1
14.00 - 17.00 hrs Paper - 2
Paper – 1 and Paper – 2 will each have three separate sections on Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. Both the papers will be objective types, designed to test comprehension, reasoning and analytical ability of candidates.
* Eligibility requirements for this examination and syllabus for Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Aptitude Test will be available on the websites of all IITs and will also be given in the Information Brochure of JEE – 2009.
* Candidates will have the option of submitting either on – line through internet) or paper application form- offline.
Important dates regarding Application Form and Brochure:
Sale at designated branches of Banks and at all IITs: Nov 19 - Dec 24 2008
Postal Request of Application form: Nov 19 - Dec 16 2008
Last date of receipt of completed application forms at IITs : Dec 24 2008
Further details on application form will be published in Employment news paper on the 08th of NOV 2008
IIT JEE 2009 Notification will be Updated as soon as it is announced.
For Ready Reference for IIT JEE in 2008 , Here are a few points
Question Papers
There will be two question papers, each of three hours duration. Both the question papers would consist of three separate sections on Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Questions in these papers will be of objective type, which are to be answered on a specially designed machine-gradable sheet (ORS – Optical Response Sheet) using HB pencils only. Incorrect answers will be awarded negative marks.
Language and Font of Question Papers
Candidates can opt for Question Papers either in English or in Hindi. This option should be exercised while filling the application form, and it cannot be changed at any later stage.
Visually impaired candidates will be provided with question papers with 20% enlarged font. However, to avail this facility, candidates should make a request along with the application form.
Calculators and Log Tables
Use of calculators and log tables is NOT permitted in JEE-2008.
Aptitude Test for B.Arch. and B.Des.
Candidates called for counselling and desirous of joining the B.Arch. and B.Des. courses will be required to qualify in an Aptitude Test to be conducted at each counselling institute on June 21, 2008. The test will consist of two papers, each of two hours duration – from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon, and from 2.00 pm to 4:00 pm. Candidates who fail to qualify in the Aptitude Test will not be eligible for admission to either B.Arch. or B.Des. courses. Question papers for aptitude test for B.Arch and B.Des will be in English only.
Only those candidates who attempt both Paper 1 and Paper 2 will be considered for the ranking. Marks in Physics will be equal to marks in Physics section of Paper 1 + marks in Physics section of Paper 2. Similar procedure will be followed for Chemistry and Mathematics. Based on the cut-off marks in the individual subjects as well as the aggregate marks in the Examination, a common merit list will be prepared without any relaxed criteria. In addition, separate merit lists of candidates belonging to the SC, ST, and PD categories will be prepared with different relaxed norms relevant to their categories. While preparing these merit lists, if a candidate belongs to more than one category of relaxed norms, then he/she for the purpose of ranking shall be considered in all the categories in which he/she qualifies. There will be no separate list of wait-listed candidates.
Eligibility Conditions in IIT JEE 2008
A candidate has to satisfy all the eligibility conditions given below :
* A candidate can attempt JEE only twice, in consecutive years.
* Candidates appearing for JEE-2008 should have either passed in 2007 or should be appearing in 2008 in the qualifying examination listed in section 7.1 and should satisfy the eligibility criteria listed in section 7.2.
* Candidates should meet the age requirements given in section 7.4.
* Candidates should not have accepted admission by paying full fees at any of the IITs, IT-BHU, Varanasi and ISMU, Dhanbad, through earlier JEE.
IIT JEE 2008 Syllabus
Aptitude Test
Sale of Application Forms
List of Bank Branches for IIT JEE 2008 Application Forms
How to Apply for IIT Joint Entrance Examination 2008 ?
You can apply offline or online
For More info, Please visit http://jee.iitd.ac.in/ or http://www.jee.iitb.ac.in
Declaration of IIT JEE 2008 Results - May 30, 2008
Posted by
5:44 AM
IIT JEE 2009
IIT JEE 2009
IIT JEE 2009 Entrance Exam Notification
* Bombay
* Delhi
* Guwahati
* Kanpur
* Kharagpur
* Madras
* Roorkee
For admission to undergraduate course at seven Indian Institutes of Technology, IT – BHU, Varanasi and Indian School of Mines University, Dhanbad.
IIT Joint Entrance Examination (JEE 2009) Schedule
April 12, 2009 (Sunday)
09.00 –12.00 hrs Paper – 1
14.00 - 17.00 hrs Paper - 2
Paper – 1 and Paper – 2 will each have three separate sections on Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. Both the papers will be objective types, designed to test comprehension, reasoning and analytical ability of candidates.
* Eligibility requirements for this examination and syllabus for Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Aptitude Test will be available on the websites of all IITs and will also be given in the Information Brochure of JEE – 2009.
* Candidates will have the option of submitting either on – line through internet) or paper application form- offline.
Important dates regarding Application Form and Brochure:
Sale at designated branches of Banks and at all IITs: Nov 19 - Dec 24 2008
Postal Request of Application form: Nov 19 - Dec 16 2008
Last date of receipt of completed application forms at IITs : Dec 24 2008
Further details on application form will be published in Employment news paper on the 08th of NOV 2008
IIT JEE 2009 Notification will be Updated as soon as it is announced.
For Ready Reference for IIT JEE in 2008 , Here are a few points
Question Papers
There will be two question papers, each of three hours duration. Both the question papers would consist of three separate sections on Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Questions in these papers will be of objective type, which are to be answered on a specially designed machine-gradable sheet (ORS – Optical Response Sheet) using HB pencils only. Incorrect answers will be awarded negative marks.
Language and Font of Question Papers
Candidates can opt for Question Papers either in English or in Hindi. This option should be exercised while filling the application form, and it cannot be changed at any later stage.
Visually impaired candidates will be provided with question papers with 20% enlarged font. However, to avail this facility, candidates should make a request along with the application form.
Calculators and Log Tables
Use of calculators and log tables is NOT permitted in JEE-2008.
Aptitude Test for B.Arch. and B.Des.
Candidates called for counselling and desirous of joining the B.Arch. and B.Des. courses will be required to qualify in an Aptitude Test to be conducted at each counselling institute on June 21, 2008. The test will consist of two papers, each of two hours duration – from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon, and from 2.00 pm to 4:00 pm. Candidates who fail to qualify in the Aptitude Test will not be eligible for admission to either B.Arch. or B.Des. courses. Question papers for aptitude test for B.Arch and B.Des will be in English only.
Only those candidates who attempt both Paper 1 and Paper 2 will be considered for the ranking. Marks in Physics will be equal to marks in Physics section of Paper 1 + marks in Physics section of Paper 2. Similar procedure will be followed for Chemistry and Mathematics. Based on the cut-off marks in the individual subjects as well as the aggregate marks in the Examination, a common merit list will be prepared without any relaxed criteria. In addition, separate merit lists of candidates belonging to the SC, ST, and PD categories will be prepared with different relaxed norms relevant to their categories. While preparing these merit lists, if a candidate belongs to more than one category of relaxed norms, then he/she for the purpose of ranking shall be considered in all the categories in which he/she qualifies. There will be no separate list of wait-listed candidates.
Eligibility Conditions in IIT JEE 2008
A candidate has to satisfy all the eligibility conditions given below :
* A candidate can attempt JEE only twice, in consecutive years.
* Candidates appearing for JEE-2008 should have either passed in 2007 or should be appearing in 2008 in the qualifying examination listed in section 7.1 and should satisfy the eligibility criteria listed in section 7.2.
* Candidates should meet the age requirements given in section 7.4.
* Candidates should not have accepted admission by paying full fees at any of the IITs, IT-BHU, Varanasi and ISMU, Dhanbad, through earlier JEE.
IIT JEE 2008 Syllabus
Aptitude Test
Sale of Application Forms
List of Bank Branches for IIT JEE 2008 Application Forms
How to Apply for IIT Joint Entrance Examination 2008 ?
You can apply offline or online
For More info, Please visit http://jee.iitd.ac.in/ or http://www.jee.iitb.ac.in
Declaration of IIT JEE 2008 Results - May 30, 2008
Posted by
5:43 AM
IIT JEE 2009 Entrance Exam Notification
IIT JEE 2009
IIT JEE 2009 Entrance Exam Notification
* Bombay
* Delhi
* Guwahati
* Kanpur
* Kharagpur
* Madras
* Roorkee
For admission to undergraduate course at seven Indian Institutes of Technology, IT – BHU, Varanasi and Indian School of Mines University, Dhanbad.
IIT Joint Entrance Examination (JEE 2009) Schedule
April 12, 2009 (Sunday)
09.00 –12.00 hrs Paper – 1
14.00 - 17.00 hrs Paper - 2
Paper – 1 and Paper – 2 will each have three separate sections on Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. Both the papers will be objective types, designed to test comprehension, reasoning and analytical ability of candidates.
* Eligibility requirements for this examination and syllabus for Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Aptitude Test will be available on the websites of all IITs and will also be given in the Information Brochure of JEE – 2009.
* Candidates will have the option of submitting either on – line through internet) or paper application form- offline.
Important dates regarding Application Form and Brochure:
Sale at designated branches of Banks and at all IITs: Nov 19 - Dec 24 2008
Postal Request of Application form: Nov 19 - Dec 16 2008
Last date of receipt of completed application forms at IITs : Dec 24 2008
Further details on application form will be published in Employment news paper on the 08th of NOV 2008
IIT JEE 2009 Notification will be Updated as soon as it is announced.
For Ready Reference for IIT JEE in 2008 , Here are a few points
Question Papers
There will be two question papers, each of three hours duration. Both the question papers would consist of three separate sections on Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Questions in these papers will be of objective type, which are to be answered on a specially designed machine-gradable sheet (ORS – Optical Response Sheet) using HB pencils only. Incorrect answers will be awarded negative marks.
Language and Font of Question Papers
Candidates can opt for Question Papers either in English or in Hindi. This option should be exercised while filling the application form, and it cannot be changed at any later stage.
Visually impaired candidates will be provided with question papers with 20% enlarged font. However, to avail this facility, candidates should make a request along with the application form.
Calculators and Log Tables
Use of calculators and log tables is NOT permitted in JEE-2008.
Aptitude Test for B.Arch. and B.Des.
Candidates called for counselling and desirous of joining the B.Arch. and B.Des. courses will be required to qualify in an Aptitude Test to be conducted at each counselling institute on June 21, 2008. The test will consist of two papers, each of two hours duration – from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon, and from 2.00 pm to 4:00 pm. Candidates who fail to qualify in the Aptitude Test will not be eligible for admission to either B.Arch. or B.Des. courses. Question papers for aptitude test for B.Arch and B.Des will be in English only.
Only those candidates who attempt both Paper 1 and Paper 2 will be considered for the ranking. Marks in Physics will be equal to marks in Physics section of Paper 1 + marks in Physics section of Paper 2. Similar procedure will be followed for Chemistry and Mathematics. Based on the cut-off marks in the individual subjects as well as the aggregate marks in the Examination, a common merit list will be prepared without any relaxed criteria. In addition, separate merit lists of candidates belonging to the SC, ST, and PD categories will be prepared with different relaxed norms relevant to their categories. While preparing these merit lists, if a candidate belongs to more than one category of relaxed norms, then he/she for the purpose of ranking shall be considered in all the categories in which he/she qualifies. There will be no separate list of wait-listed candidates.
Eligibility Conditions in IIT JEE 2008
A candidate has to satisfy all the eligibility conditions given below :
* A candidate can attempt JEE only twice, in consecutive years.
* Candidates appearing for JEE-2008 should have either passed in 2007 or should be appearing in 2008 in the qualifying examination listed in section 7.1 and should satisfy the eligibility criteria listed in section 7.2.
* Candidates should meet the age requirements given in section 7.4.
* Candidates should not have accepted admission by paying full fees at any of the IITs, IT-BHU, Varanasi and ISMU, Dhanbad, through earlier JEE.
IIT JEE 2008 Syllabus
Aptitude Test
Sale of Application Forms
List of Bank Branches for IIT JEE 2008 Application Forms
How to Apply for IIT Joint Entrance Examination 2008 ?
You can apply offline or online
For More info, Please visit http://jee.iitd.ac.in/ or http://www.jee.iitb.ac.in
Declaration of IIT JEE 2008 Results - May 30, 2008
Posted by
5:42 AM