Sunday, November 2, 2008

Step by step approcah to problem solving

Step by step approcah to problem solving
Students of our generations are hard pressed for time. They have so many distractions today so that it becomes very difficult for them to concentrate on their studies. IIT JEE examination does not demand memorizing everything. Rather IIT JEE demands understanding of the topics. Our experience has shown that by mugging up and memorizing everything students will not be able to crack IIT JEE. Rather student should give time to each topic and relentlessly go about the same unless he or she gets full hold over the topic.

For this, a proper approach to problem solving is mandated. There are many ways in which one go about problem solving. But best approach is to go step by step. This may even take more time initially but this is the only way to bring about smooth organized flow of thoughts and clarity of concepts in to student's mind. As one progresses through step by step approach, student can himself notice how thoughts smoothly get regulated and comes nicely on a sheet of paper. Every student can achive this symphony with proper tuning and training of the mind. We will continue with our series.

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